
The city of Leuven wants everyone to be able to use this website. Do you come across a page that is not accessible? Please report it.

What is an accessible website?

A website should be suitable and understandable for everyone, including persons with disabilities.

To achieve this, Europe imposes accessibility rules on all governmental websites. These are laid down in the European regulations. The city of Leuven follows these regulations.

What are we doing to make this website accessible?

We apply the following measures on our website:

  • Accessibility by design
    Accessibility is taken into account in every step of the development of this website (design, construction and editing).
  • Research
    Independent experts regularly test the website for accessibility, both functional-technical and editorial parts. We solve bottlenecks in a sustainable matter.
  • Staff knowledge
    Our staff keeps their accessibility knowledge up to date and applies it where necessary.

Do you notice something on this website that is not accessible?

Please report it so we can help you and improve the accessibility.
Report an accessibility problem (Dutch only)

This accessibility statement was made on 17 November 2023 and is based on a review by consulting firm ElevenWays. The last adjustment was on 17 November 2023.

Liever niet online melden? Contacteer ons:

Stad Leuven - Événements

Deze toegankelijkheidsverklaring is opgesteld op 8 juni 2023. We baseerden ons op een beoordeling van adviesbureau ElevenWays. We pasten de verklaring voor het laatst aan op 8 juni 2023.
Vous constatez une erreur ou une imprécision sur notre site ? Faites-le nous savoir.